A Prototype Passive Air Sampler for Measuring Dry Deposition of Polycyclic...
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Characterization and Modeling of Polycyclic Aromatic Compound Uptake into...
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A preliminary investigation into the use of Red Pine (Pinus Resinosa) tree...
The suitability of Red Pine trees (Pinus Resinosa) to act as passive samplers for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in outdoor air and to provide historic information on air... -
An investigation of the immunotoxicity of oil sands processed water and...
Highlights • The toxicity of oil sand processed water, leachates and naphthenic acids were examined in isolated fish leukocytes. • The oil sand processed water decreased genes... -
Assessment of the aerosol optical depths measured by satellite-based passive...
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Long term effects of an early-life exposure of fathead minnows to sediments...
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Measured Canadian oil sands CO2 emissions are higher than estimates made...
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Changes in thyroid function of nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor)...
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Chironomidae larvae from the lower Athabasca River, AB, Canada and its...
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The river runs through it; The Athabasca River delivers mercury to aquatic...
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The toxicity of organic fractions from aged oil sands process-affected water...
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Metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in colonial waterbird eggs from...
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Metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in colonial water bird eggs from...
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Differential changes in gene expression in rainbow trout hepatocytes exposed...
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Trace analysis of total naphthenic acids in aqueous environmental matrices...
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Toxicity of naphthenic acid fraction components extracted from fresh and...
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Sensitivity of walleye (Sander vitreus) and fathead minnow (Pimephales...
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Microbial Interactions with Naturally Occurring Hydrophobic Sediments;...
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Molecular responses of Walleye (Sander vitreus) embryos to naphthenic acid...
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Assessment of 7 Canadian Rivers in relation to Stages in Oil Sands...
We compiled a 38 year dataset (1972 to 2010) to evaluate changes in water chemistry over time in relation to oil sands mining activities. We examined patterns in three focal...