Wetland Surface Water Quality
Surface water quality data collected from shallow open water wetlands and shallow lakes in the oil sands region by Alberta Environment and Parks for the OSM program -
Wetland Groundwater Quality
Shallow groundwater quality data collected from peatlands in the oil sands region by Alberta Environment and Parks for the OSM program -
Wetland Sediment Quality
Sediment physical and chemical data collected from shallow open water wetlands in the oil sands region by Alberta Environment and Parks for the OSM program -
Wetland Hydrometric Meteorology
Local meteorological data collected from wetlands in the oil sands region by Alberta Environment and Protected Areas for the OSM program -
Wetland Hydrometric Hydrology
Depth to water table data collected from wetlands in the oil sands region by Alberta Environment and Parks for the OSM program. Pressure is measured using either a HOBO Water... -
Wetland Benthic Invertebrates
Benthic invertebrate community data (taxonomy and abundance) collected from shallow open water wetlands in the Oil Sands Region by Alberta Environment and Parks for the OSM... -
Wetland Soil Parameters
Soil and peat properties data collected in situ from wetlands in the Oil Sands Region by Alberta Environment and Parks for the OSM program -
Groundwater quality historical data
This file contains groundwater quality data compiled from multiple sources by contract 20AEM841. It is impossible to know if this data have been QC/QAed in the past and if it... -
Kearl Oil Sands: Ambient Monitoring Response
Compilation of recent surface water chemistry data from surface waterbodies (lakes, rivers and streams) potentially affected by seepage and release of tailings-affected water... -
Wetland Vegetation Height and Biomass
Vegetation structure data (e.g. height, biomass) collected from wetlands (bog, fen, swamp, open water) in the Oil Sands Region by Alberta Environment and Protected Areas for the... -
Wetland Vegetation Tissue Content
There is no description for this dataset
Wetland Atmospheric Bulk Deposition
Bulk atmospheric deposition data collected from bog peatlands in the oil sands region by project partners, including Wood Buffalo Environmental Association and Villanova... -
Wetland Vegetation Community - Field Survey
Vegetation community data collected from wetland habitats (bogs, fens, swamps and open water) in the Oil Sands Region by Environment and Protected Areas and the Alberta... -
Wetland Monitoring Site Summary
Current and historical wetland monitoring locations sampled as part of the OSM Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Program. -
Wetland Vegetation Leaf Area Index
Estimate of plant canopy cover at wetlands in the oil sands region by Alberta Environment and Parks for the OSM program. Used as an estimate of plant community productivity.... -
Wetland Vegetation Composition (Pilot Phase)
Vegetation community data collected from wetlands in the oil sands region by Alberta Environment and Parks and the University of Waterloo for the OSM program. -
Wetland Trail Camera Observations
Trail camera observations at wetland habitats in the Oil Sands Region collected for the OSM program. Observations are primarily mammals with some birds. -
Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Epipelic Algae, Biomass, and Chlorophyll A
Baseline epipelic algae community composition, biomass, and chlorophyll A collected by Alberta Environment and Parks as part of a focused study under the Oil Sands Monitoring... -
Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Fish Health
Baseline fish health data for small-bodied (trout-perch; Percopsis omiscomaycus) and large-bodied (white sucker; Catostomus commersonii) fish collected by Alberta Environment... -
Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Surface Water Quality (discrete)
Baseline discrete surface water quality data collected by Alberta Environment and Parks as part of a focused study under the Oil Sands Monitoring Program: Enhanced Monitoring of...