Wetland Vegetation Leaf Area Index

Estimate of plant canopy cover at wetlands in the oil sands region by Alberta Environment and Parks for the OSM program. Used as an estimate of plant community productivity. Used to validate lidar measurements.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Alternate Title/Name
Contributor OSM
Publisher OSM
Subject Wetland
Parameters Leaf Area Index
Data Type Discrete
Frequency Annual
Temporal Coverage Begins 2019-01-01
Temporal Coverage Ends
Spatial Coverage
Spatial Projection
Usage Considerations or Constraints Five LAI measurements were taken along three transects at each wetland site extending from upland toward open water (shallow open water wetland), or toward the centre of the wetland (bog, fen). Therefore, canopy cover was not present at many locations. Readings were taken at all plots to establish baseline. If numeric readings are present there was sufficient canopy cover for LAI data collection, any other reading (i.e., 'nodata') indicates no canopy cover or associated measurement. Data are single time-point in situ measurements collected mid-growing season; Data are collected with a hand-held plant canopy analyser (Licor LAI-2200C; non-destructive sampling) that may affect accuracy; Data are collected mid-July to end-July to estimate max. canopy extent, but will vary across the growing season particularly for deciduous vegetation.
Relation Wetland Vegetation Composition
Resouce Type Spreadsheet
OSM Asset? Yes
Contact Email [email protected]