Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Fish Health

Baseline fish health data for small-bodied (trout-perch; Percopsis omiscomaycus) and large-bodied (white sucker; Catostomus commersonii) fish collected by Alberta Environment and Parks and Environment and Climate Change Canada as part of a focused study under the Oil Sands Monitoring Program: Enhanced Monitoring of the Lower Athabasca River

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Alternate Title/Name Small and Large-Bodied Fish Health
Creator OSM
Contributor AEP, ECCC
Subject Aquatic Biology
Group/Subgroup Fish Health
Parameters Body weight, fork length, liver weight, gonad weight, age, fecundity
Data Type Discrete
Frequency Annual
Temporal Coverage Begins 2018-09-01
Temporal Coverage Ends
Spatial Coverage
Spatial Projection
Usage Considerations or Constraints For the proper assessment of fish health endpoints, a sample size of 20 mature males and 20 mature females is targeted following the Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) guidance documents for pulp and paper and metal mines. Caution should be taken when examining data that do not meet these criteria.
Relation http://donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/fish-health-toxicology-contaminants-oil-sands-region/wild-fish-health-oil-sands-region/
Format XLS
Resouce Type Spreadsheet
OSM Asset? Yes
Contact Email [email protected]