Wetland Vegetation Community - Field Survey

Vegetation community data collected from wetland habitats (bogs, fens, swamps and open water) in the Oil Sands Region by Environment and Protected Areas and the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute for the OSM Program.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Alternate Title/Name Vegetation Survey; Plant ID
Creator Environment and Protected Areas
Contributor ABMI
Publisher Environment and Protected Areas
Subject Wetland
Group/Subgroup Vegetation
Parameters Community Composition
Data Type Discrete
Frequency Annual
Temporal Coverage Begins 2021-07-01
Temporal Coverage Ends
Spatial Coverage Athabasca Region
Spatial Projection
Usage Considerations or Constraints Data represent annual plant community composition surveyed mid-growing season. Vascular plants are identified to species level while cryptogams are identified to broad taxonomic groups (e.g. brown moss, lichens). Percent cover and height are estimated by Plant Form (e.g. forb, graminoid, dwarf shrub, etc.), and do not represent cover or height of individual species within a quadrat.
Relation Wetland Groundwater Quality OR Wetland Surface Water Quality; Wetland Soil Parameters
Format xlsx
Resouce Type Spreadsheet
Language English
OSM Asset? Yes
Contact Email [email protected]