Wetland Hydrometric Hydrology

Depth to water table data collected from wetlands in the oil sands region by Alberta Environment and Parks for the OSM program.

Pressure is measured using either a HOBO Water Level Logger (U20-001-04) and converted to water table depth using HOBO Pro software, or a Solinst Levelogger5 (3001) and converted to water table depth using Levelogger Software.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Alternate Title/Name Water Level; Water Table Depth; Depth to Water Table
Creator OSM
Publisher OSM
Subject Wetland
Group/Subgroup Hydrometric Hydrology
Parameters Water Level
Data Type Continuous
Frequency Hourly
Temporal Coverage Begins 2019-01-01
Temporal Coverage Ends
Spatial Coverage
Spatial Projection
Usage Considerations or Constraints Data represents hourly water level at each wetland site through the growing season (May-October) to characterize hydrologic conditions of the site. This is used to detect site-specific changes in hydrology. Uploaded data have undergone QA/QC review to remove spurious results such as instrument failure. The first few days of readings for each monitoring period should be used with caution due to self-calibration of equipment. Absolute pressure readings are corrected to local (within 15km, or nearest available station) barometric pressure, and converted to water level (m).
Relation Wetland Hydrometric Meteorology
Resouce Type Spreadsheet
OSM Asset? Y
Contact Email [email protected]