Measured Canadian oil sands CO2 emissions are higher than estimates made...
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Source apportionment of an epiphytic lichen biomonitor to elucidate the...
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Using Pb isotope ratios of particulate matter and epiphytic lichens from the...
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Evidence of low toxicity of oil sands process-affected water to birds...
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Boreal bird abundance esitmates within different energy sector disturbances...
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Changes in thyroid function of nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor)...
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Characterizing baseline concentrations, proportions, and processes...
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Chironomidae larvae from the lower Athabasca River, AB, Canada and its...
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Collocated comparisons of continuous and filter-based PM2.5 measurements at...
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The river runs through it; The Athabasca River delivers mercury to aquatic...
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Advances in distinguishing groundwater influenced by oil sands...
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The toxicity of organic fractions from aged oil sands process-affected water...
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Steroidal Aromatic 'Naphthenic Acids' in Oil Sands Process-Affected Water:...
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Metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in colonial waterbird eggs from...
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Metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in colonial water bird eggs from...
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Differential changes in gene expression in rainbow trout hepatocytes exposed...
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SAGD Process Monitoring in Heavy Oil Reservoir Using UWB Radar Techniques
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Spatial and temporal patterns in trace element deposition to lakes in the...
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Trace analysis of total naphthenic acids in aqueous environmental matrices...
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Toxicity of naphthenic acid fraction components extracted from fresh and...
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