Temporal Trends of Ecosystem Development on Different Site Types in Reclaimed Boreal Forests

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Additional Info

Field Value
Short Name of Publication http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/6/6/2109
Deliverable Type Science Article
Program Catagory Wetland Ecosystems Monitoring
Program Type OSM
Author Bradley D. Pinno,Virgil C. Hawkes
Periodical Title Forests
Year of Publication 2015
Publishing Organization Natural Resources Canada
Month of Publication
Periodical Volumes 6(12)
Page Range 2109-2124
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.3390/f6062109
Online ISBN/ISSN 1999-4907
Print ISBN/ISSN 1999-4907
Recomended Citation Pinno, B., & Hawkes, V. (2015). Temporal Trends of Ecosystem Development on Different Site Types in Reclaimed Boreal Forests. Forests, 6(12), 2109–2124. doi:10.3390/f6062109