Namur Lake Air Monitoring Station

Namur Lake Air Monitoring Station (AMS) is an off-grid station operated by Fort McKay First Nation. It continuously measures hourly air concentrations of air pollutants and meteorology. Since the AMS receives power from solar panels, it's currently unable to operate in winter months when there is sufficient solar energy to power the station. Although efforts are made to collect data in adherence with Alberta's Air Monitoring Directive (e.g., monthly calibrations), it is not always possible given the remoteness of the AMS.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Alternate Title/Name
Creator Fort McKay First Nation
Publisher Alberta Environment and Protected Areas
Subject Air Quality
Group/Subgroup Air Quality
Parameters SO2, NO, NO2, H2S, O3, PM2.5, Temperature, RH, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Precipitation, Pressure
Data Type Continuous
Frequency Hourly
Temporal Coverage Begins 2017-04-01
Temporal Coverage Ends 2024-12-31
Spatial Coverage Athabasca Region (Moose Lake Reserves)
Spatial Projection 57.3808, -112.6952
Usage Considerations or Constraints Data are open by default. Contact Fort McKay First Nation ([email protected]) for details on QA/QC protocols.
Format XSLX
Resouce Type spreadsheet
Language English
OSM Asset? Yes
Contact Email [email protected]