Water quality in the McLeod River as an indicator for mining impacts and...
The McLeod River headwaters originate in the Rocky Mountains in west-central Alberta and join the Athabasca River near Whitecourt. Coal mining has occurred in the McLeod... -
Transboundary Atmospheric Pollution from Mountaintop Coal Mining
Mountaintop removal coal mining impairs downstream ecosystems through the delivery of nutrients, ions, and heavy-metals. Here, we show that this mining also impacts ecosystems... -
Legacy coal mining impacts downstream ecosystems for decades in the Canadian Rockies
Mountaintop removal coal mining leaves a legacy of disturbed landscapes and abandoned infrastructure with clear impacts on water resources; however, the intensity and... -
Predicting Imminent Cyanobacterial Blooms in Lakes Using Incomplete Timely Data
Toxic cyanobacterial blooms (CBs) are becoming more frequent globally, posing a threat to freshwater ecosystems. While making long-range forecasts is overly challenging,... -
Thermodynamic and Dynamic Components of Winter Temperature Changes in...
Most of the globe has experienced significant warming trends that have been attributed to anthropogenic climate change. However, these rates of warming are also influenced by... -
Advances in monitoring and modelling of river ice processes
Significant advances in field monitoring, laboratory experiments and computational modelling of river ice processes havebeen made in the past few decades. Different ice processes,... -
Novel multilayer network analysis to assess variation in the spatial...
Understanding how individuals within populations are connected genetically and through shared space-use is critical to understanding the demographic patterns of at-risk... -
Genomics of founders for conservation breeding: the Jasper caribou case
Conservation breeding programs are increasingly used as recovery actions for wild animals; bringing founders into captivity to rear captive populations for future reintroduction... -
Oil sands restoration with warm-adapted trees improves outcomes under...
Successful restoration of human-disturbed landscapes and ecosystems will be increasingly compromised by the impacts of climate warming. Assisted migration and climate-informed... -
The Challenge of Spatialising Point-Source Water Quality Monitoring Data for...
Open-pit and subsurface extraction of oil sands in Alberta, Canada, continue to expand and pose a risk of contamination to the aquatic ecosystems of the region. These operations... -
Distinguishing between research and monitoring programs in environmental...
The terms “research” and “monitoring” are commonly used interchangeably to describe the data-gathering, information-generating, and knowledge-translating activities in... -
A Review of Control Charts and Exploring Their Utility for Regional...
Industrial control charts are used in manufacturing to quickly and robustly indicate the status of production and to prompt any necessary corrective actions. The library of... -
A Robust Regime Shift Change Detection Algorithm for Water-Flow Dynamics
Stream and river monitoring have an influential role in agriculture, the fishing industry, land surveillance, the oil and gas industry, etc. Recognizing sudden changes in the... -
Least-Squares Triple Cross-Wavelet and Multivariate Regression Analyses of...
River flow monitoring is a critical task for land management, agriculture, fishery, industry, and other concerns. Herein, a robust least squares triple cross-wavelet analysis is... -
Status of air quality in Alberta : air zones report
These reports summarize the Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards status for Alberta’s air zones for ambient concentrations of fine particulate matter, ground-level ozone,... -
State of current knowledge on fertility control methods for feral horses
Describes the various methods available to implement fertility control methods in feral horse populations. This information sheet is one of five current-knowledge documents... -
State of current knowledge on the relationship of feral horses and...
Describes how feral horse behaviour, population dynamics and distribution patterns differ from native ungulates in Alberta. This information sheet is one of five current-... -
State of current knowledge on survey methods to monitor Alberta’s feral...
Describes the advantages and disadvantages of minimum count surveys and distance sampling as the two methods used to determine feral horse populations in Alberta. This... -
State of current knowledge on feral horse impacts on rangeland ecosystems
Looks at the impacts of feral horse populations on rangeland ecosystems and how this compares to other large herbivores on the landscape. This information sheet is one of five... -
State of current knowledge on feral horse population dynamics and Alberta...
Provides an overview of the origin of horses in Alberta, factors affecting feral horse population dynamics and a summary of Alberta Environment and Protected Areas' minimum... -
FROSTBYTE: a reproducible data-driven workflow for probabilistic seasonal...
Seasonal streamflow forecasts provide key information for decision-making in fields such as water supply management, hydropower generation, and irrigation scheduling. The... -
Oil sands development in the Athabasca and Cold Lake oil sands regions of Alberta has raised concerns about potential impacts to groundwater and groundwater dependent... -
Migration leads to nursery herd formation: evidence from a wild wood bison...
Migration is an evolutionarily stable adaptation when movement costs are outweighed by fitness gains. Migration is defined as the predictable movement between seasonal ranges in... -
A geospatial approach to identifying and mapping areas of relative...
The influence of increasing anthropogenic pressure on ecosystem integrity, such as land use change, is resulting in many ecosystems experiencing a decline in their ability to... -
qPCR-based eDNA workflow for humic-rich lake sediments: Combined use of...
Lake sediment serves as a natural archive of historical biological information. The use of sedimentary DNA (sedDNA), a form of environmental DNA (eDNA) shed by aquatic organisms... -
Dissolved polycyclic aromatic compounds in Canada’s Athabasca River in...
The Canada-Alberta Oil Sands Monitoring (OSM) Program began long-term surface water quality monitoring on the lower Athabasca River in 2012. Sampling of low level, bio-... -
Examining Drivers of Post-Fire Seismic Line Ecotone Regeneration in a Boreal...
Seismic lines are the dominant anthropogenic disturbance in the boreal forest of the Canadian province of Alberta, fragmenting over 1900 km2 of peatland areas and accounting for... -
A resilience framework for physical hydrology
Hydrological systems across the globe are increasingly subjected to pressures from a warming climate and anthropogenic disturbance. Responses to stress can be nonlinear and... -
Uncertainty and bias in Liggio et al. (2019) on CO2 emissions from oil sands...
In the April 2019 issue, Liggio et al. published an analysis that utilized CO2 emission estimates obtained from aircraft flight studies carried out in the Athabasca Oil Sands... -
Prioritizing bull trout recovery actions using a novel cumulative effects...
Complexity of addressing cumulative effects that vary in space and time, especially for species occupying large ranges, makes conservation and recovery of populations difficult.... -
Regional Variability and Changing Water Distributions Drive Large-scale...
Geographic inequalities in water distribution can lead to relatively small regions driving or buffering changes in water availability in major watersheds. This research provides... -
The WaterSHED monitoring program : technical progress report 2018-2021
This is the second technical report from the multistakeholder WaterSHED water quality monitoring program of North Saskatchewan River Basin tributaries. The report includes a... -
A roadmap for multiple stressors assessment and management in freshwater ecosystems
Multiple stressors resulting from anthropogenic actions are increasingly recognized as a major threat to aquatic ecosystems. In general, ecosystems change as they respond to... -
Oil Sands Wetland Ecosystem Monitoring Program Indicators in Alberta,...
Boreal wetlands within the oil sands region of Alberta, Canada, are subject to natural and anthropogenic pressures, resulting in the need for monitoring these sensitive... -
Opportunities and Challenges of Spaceborne Sensors in Delineating Land...
Understanding the land surface temperature (LST) trends is crucial for policymakers and stakeholders to develop adaptation and mitigation strategies suitable for a sustainable... -
Characterization of neurotropic HPAI H5N1 viruses with novel genome...
The GsGd lineage (A/goose/Guangdong/1/1996) H5N1 virus was introduced to Canada in 2021/2022 through the Atlantic and East Asia-Australasia/Pacific flyways by migratory birds.... -
Pacific Barrow’s Goldeneye refine migratory phenology in response to...
Timing of seasonal bird migrations is broadly determined by internal biological clocks, which are synchronized by photoperiod, but individuals often refine their migratory... -
Male elk survival, vulnerability, and antler size in a transboundary and...
Migration is a behavioral strategy used by many ungulates to access resources and avoid predation in heterogenous landscapes. If migratory individuals access higher quality... -
Potential changes in climate indices in Alberta under projected global...
Study region Alberta province, Canada Study focus The global average surface temperature has continuously warmed at an unprecedentedly rapid rate since the mid-20th century.... -
No Evidence of Sustained Recovery of Native Trout in Response to Angling...
Objective Nonnative fish invasions have had widespread impacts on freshwater ecosystems, including effects on native fish biodiversity and persistence. Brook Trout Salvelinus... -
Behavioral habitat selection of wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) in boreal forests
Habitat selection is critical to informing wildlife management and conservation. However, different behaviors require the use of different habitat components. Not considering... -
Less is more? A novel method for identifying and evaluating non-informative...
Purpose Accelerated soil erosion poses a global hazard to soil health. Understanding soil and sediment behaviour through sediment fingerprinting enables the monitoring and... -
An approach to inform air quality management through receptor source...
Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, exceeded the national Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) for 2011–2013. In response, a... -
Remote sensing-derived land surface temperature trends over South Asia
Spatiotemporal changes in land surface temperature (LST) over South Asia were estimated using MODIS (moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer) data from 2000 to 2021. We...