Does expected future landscape condition support proposed population objectives for boreal birds?

Highlights • Analysis of future habitat supply and population size for priority landbirds. • ALCES® landscape simulation model and statistical bird habitat models in BCR 6. • Three land use scenarios: business as usual, protected areas, climate change. • Boreal landbirds in mature and old forests exhibited greatest population declines. • New approach to step down BCR population objectives to habitat objectives.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Short Name of Publication
Deliverable Type Science Article
Program Catagory Terrestrial Biological
Program Type OSM
Author Mahon, C.L., E.M. Bayne, P. Sólymos, S.M. Matsuoka, M. Carlson, E. Dzus, F.K.A. Schmiegelow, and S.J. Song.
Periodical Title Forest Ecology and Management
Year of Publication 2014
Publishing Organization Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Month of Publication
Periodical Volumes 312
Page Range 28-39
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.10.025
Online ISBN/ISSN 1872-7042
Print ISBN/ISSN 0378-1127
Recomended Citation Mahon, C. L., Bayne, E. M., Sólymos, P., Matsuoka, S. M., Carlson, M., Dzus, E., … Song, S. J. (2014). Does expected future landscape condition support proposed population objectives for boreal birds? Forest Ecology and Management, 312, 28–39. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2013.10.025