Regional habitat needs of a nationally listed species, Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis), in Alberta, Canada

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Additional Info

Field Value
Short Name of Publication
Deliverable Type Science Article
Program Catagory Terrestrial Biological
Program Type OSM
Author Ball, J., P. Sólymos, F. Schmiegelow, S. Hache, J. Schieck, and E. Bayne
Periodical Title Avian Conservation and Ecology
Year of Publication 2016
Publishing Organization Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Month of Publication
Periodical Volumes 11(2)
Page Range
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.5751/ACE-00916-110210
Online ISBN/ISSN 1712-6568
Recomended Citation Ball, J. R., Sólymos, P., Schmiegelow, F. K. A., Hache, S., Schieck, J., & Bayne, E. (2016). Regional habitat needs of a nationally listed species, Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis), in Alberta, Canada. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 11(2). doi:10.5751/ace-00916-110210