Predicting River Flow Using an AI-Based Sequential Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy...
Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have been successfully adopted in predictive modeling to capture the nonlinearity of natural systems. The high seasonal variability of... -
Processing of Near Real Time Land Surface Temperature and Its Application in...
Near real time (NRT) remote sensing derived land surface temperature (Ts) data has an utmost importance in various applications of natural hazards and disasters. Space-based... -
Spatial structure of boreal woodland caribou populations in northwest Canada
Local population units (LPUs) were delineated in Canada’s recovery strategy for threatened boreal woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). Population viability analyses... -
Use of Remote Sensing in Comprehending the Influence of Urban Landscape’s...
The spatial composition and configuration of land use land cover (LULC) in the urban landscape impact the land surface temperature (LST). In this study, we assessed such impacts... -
Population dynamics of caribou shaped by glacial cycles before the last...
Pleistocene glacial cycles influenced the diversification of high-latitude wildlife species through recurrent periods of range contraction, isolation, divergence, and expansion... -
The WaterSHED monitoring program (Water: Saskatchewan headwaters Edmonton...
This is the first annual technical report from the multistakeholder WaterSHED water quality monitoring program of North Saskatchewan River Basin tributaries. The report includes... -
Can soil invertebrates indicate soil biological quality on well pads...
Integrating soil physico-chemical properties and soil invertebrate bioindicators could prove a practical and robust method for assessing reclamation and soil biological quality... -
Effects of seasonal and interannual variability in water isotopes (δ2H,...
•δ2H and δ18O were measured bi-weekly during ice-free season for 14 years in 7 lakes. •Variation was greater among seasons than years in lakes with residence time < 1 year.... -
Tracing total and dissolved material in a western Canadian basin using...
Highlights •The source dynamics of total and dissolved material were investigated. •Water quality monitoring data was modelled with Deconvolutional-MixSIAR. •A novel approach to... -
A Burning Question: What are the Implications of Forest Fires for Woodland Caribou?
Canada's federal recovery strategy for boreal woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) classifies areas burned by forest fire as disturbed habitat. This assignment of fire... -
Trophic consequences of terrestrial eutrophication for a threatened ungulate
Changes in primary productivity have the potential to substantially alter food webs, with positive outcomes for some species and negative outcomes for others. Understanding the... -
Demographic responses of a threatened, low-density ungulate to annual...
As global climate change progresses, wildlife management will benefit from knowledge of demographic responses to climatic variation, particularly for species already endangered... -
An assessment of sampling designs using SCR analyses to estimate abundance...
Accurately estimating abundance is a critical component of monitoring and recovery of rare and elusive species. Spatial capture–recapture (SCR) models are an increasingly... -
Habitat loss on seasonal migratory range imperils an endangered ungulate
Endangered species policies and their associated recovery documents and management actions do not always sufficiently address the importance of migratory behaviour and seasonal... -
Habitat loss accelerates for the endangered woodland caribou in western Canada
Habitat loss is often the ultimate cause of species endangerment and is also a leading factor inhibiting species recovery. For this reason, species-at-risk legislation, policies... -
Unveiling the recovery dynamics of walleye after the invisible collapse
Walleye (Sander vitreus) populations in Alberta, Canada, collapsed by the mid-1990s and were a case study in the paper Canada’s Recreational Fisheries: The Invisible Collapse?... -
Myxobolus cerebralis establishment and spread: a graphical synthesis
Myxobolus cerebralis is the parasite causing whirling disease, which has dramatic ecological impacts due to its potential to cause high mortality in salmonids. The large-scale... -
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Rivers Dominated by Petrogenic Sources...
Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) threaten the health of aquatic ecosystems. In northeastern Alberta, Canada, decades of oil sands mining and upgrading activities have... -
Chloride in surface waters of Alberta’s rivers: condition of the environment...
This report presents the methods used to generate the web-based Condition on Environment (CoE) content published for chloride (Cl-) concentrations in the surface water of major... -
Linking catchment structural units (CSUs) with water quality: implications...
Highlights • New geospatial method to optimize water monitoring programs or design new networks. • Catchment Structural Units (CSU) quantify key landuse/landcover, geology,...