Study of Fuel-Smoke Dynamics in a Prescribed Fire of Boreal Black Spruce...
Understanding the combustion dynamics of fuels, and the generation and propagation of smoke in a wildland fire, can inform short-range and long-range pollutant transport models,... -
Standard Operating Procedure for Measurement of Particulate matter by...
This is the standard operating procedure for measuring ambient particulate matter. It provides guidance for the operation, calibration and maintenance of the Thermo Scientific... -
Alberta’s River Water Quality Monitoring Programs
Alberta Environment and Parks is dedicated to ensuring healthy, secure and sustainable water supplies for Alberta's communities, environment and economy. Two core river water... -
Atmospheric drivers of winter above-freezing temperatures and associated...
Winter thaw episodes, especially when accompanied by rain, can significantly deplete the winter snowpack, which is a critical water storage component in the mountainous... -
Monitoring ecological recovery of reclaimed wellsites: Protocols for...
We developed a scientifically robust and financially sustainable monitoring protocol to enable a consistent assessment of ecological recovery of physical, chemical, and... -
Soil quality and land capability of reclaimed oil and gas well pads in...
Since 1963 approximately 100 000 oil and gas well pads have been officially certified as reclaimed in Alberta, yet follow-up monitoring programs have not been established to... -
Succession after reclamation: Identifying and assessing ecological...
Site preparation for oil and gas extraction often requires the complete removal of vegetation and surface soil on the well pad. Although subsequent reclamation then attempts to... -
Ecological response to human activities in southwestern Alberta : scientific...
This report summarizes the scientific evidence for ecological responses of soil, vegetation, hydrology, and wildlife to human activities in the Castle region of southwestern... -
Assessment of reclaimed soils by unsupervised clustering of proximal sensor data
The application of soil proximal sensors on reclaimed sites presents a novel method for assessing the quality of reclaimed landscapes. This method improves assessment... -
Land use, climate change and ecological responses in the Upper North...
The Eastern Slopes of Canada’s Rocky Mountains have been managed for headwater protection, natural resource production, recreation, and other land uses for over a century. To... -
Synthesis report of the enhanced monitoring program on the Lower Athabasca...
This document summarizes work completed for the Lower Athabasca River enhanced monitoring program for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Data that has been generated from this program... -
2018 status of surface water quantity, Lower Athabasca Region, Alberta
This report presents a summary of annual streamflow on the Lower Athabasca River and water use by the mineable oil sands sector and other licensed users, relative to weekly... -
2019 status of surface water quantity, Lower Athabasca Region, Alberta
This report presents a summary of annual streamflow on the Lower Athabasca River and water use by the mineable oil sands sector and other licensed users, relative to weekly... -
Brokering science for environmental management: Progress report from the...
This progress report outlines the activities undertaken by the Chief Scientist of Alberta Environment and Parks over the inaugural appointment of this position. Highlights... -
Citizen science principles of good practice
The principles provide practitioners, researchers and decision maker’s common guidance to consider when designing, implementing, and evaluating citizen science initiatives in... -
Chlorophyll-A Filtration Standard Operating Procedure
This document describes the procedures, methods, and practices used by Alberta Environment and Parks Resource Stewardship Division personnel when filtering water samples for... -
Decontamination protocol for work in or near water
Alberta’s decontamination protocol helps ensure the proper cleaning of watercraft and other equipment used in water to reduce the spread of aquatic invasive species and fish... -
2019 status of surface water quality, Lower Athabasca Region, Alberta
This report presents monthly water quality results from the Old Fort Monitoring station, on the Lower Athabasca River. The results of the report address whether there are... -
2018 status of surface water quality, Lower Athabasca Region, Alberta
This report presents monthly water quality results from the Old Fort Monitoring station, on the Lower Athabasca River. The results of the report address whether there are... -
2019-2020 status of surface water quality, South Saskatchewan Region, Alberta
This report presents median and 90th percentile (peak) concentrations calculated from monthly water quality samples at Long-Term River Network stations across the South...