FROSTBYTE: a reproducible data-driven workflow for probabilistic seasonal...
Seasonal streamflow forecasts provide key information for decision-making in fields such as water supply management, hydropower generation, and irrigation scheduling. The... -
A roadmap for multiple stressors assessment and management in freshwater ecosystems
Multiple stressors resulting from anthropogenic actions are increasingly recognized as a major threat to aquatic ecosystems. In general, ecosystems change as they respond to... -
No Evidence of Sustained Recovery of Native Trout in Response to Angling...
Objective Nonnative fish invasions have had widespread impacts on freshwater ecosystems, including effects on native fish biodiversity and persistence. Brook Trout Salvelinus... -
Modelling interactions between land use, climate, and hydrology along with...
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Isotopic analyses fingerprint sources of polycyclic aromatic...
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Quantifying seasonal succession of phytoplankton trait‐environment...
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Summary of International Organization for Standardization and the...
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Technical Background Report for the Global Mercury Assessment 2018 – Chapter...
The Technical Background Report to the Global Mercury Assessment 2018 was produced by an international team of experts convened through a collaboration between UN Environment... -
Lower Athabasca Region Status of Ambient Environmental Condition 2013 Air...
The Government of Alberta is reporting to Albertans on the condition of air and surface water in the Lower Athabasca Region for the year 2013. Through Air Quality Management... -
2015 status of surface water quality, Lower Athabasca Region
Prepared by Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) Environmental Monitoring and Science Division, this report presents monthly water quality results from the Old Fort monitoring... -
Chemical Immobilization Effects on Cougar (Felis concolor) Movement
Capturing and handling wildlife is a common practice for both management and research. As telemetry use has become common, the need to capture and chemically immobilize wildlife... -
Source Apportionment of Background PAHs in the Peace-Athabasca Delta...
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Joint implementation plan for oil sands monitoring: results report: 2013-2014
This report was prepared by Environment Canada and the Alberta Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Agency (AEMERA). The report presents results of monitoring work... -
A Field-Portable Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometer for Real-time...
Environmental concentrations of volatile and semivolatile organic compounds (VOC/SVOCs) can vary dramatically in time and space under the influence of environmental conditions.... -
A numerical framework for modelling sediment and chemical constituents...
The transport of fine sediments and associated chemical constituents originating from potential anthropogenic and natural sources is becoming an issue of increasing importance... -
Oil Sands Monitoring Program Recommendation Report (part 2 of 2)
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Oil Sands Monitoring Program Integration Workshop Reports (Parts 1 of 2)
This report provides the results of seven technical integration workshops sponsored by the Oil Sands Monitoring (OSM) program for the 2018-2019 fiscal year held between the end... -
Hybrid climate datasets from a climate data evaluation system and their...
A reliable climate dataset is the backbone for modelling the essential processes of the water cycle and predicting future conditions. Although a number of gridded climate... -
The Joint Canada/ Alberta Implementation Plan for Oil Sands Monitoring,...
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The Implementation Plan Second Annual Report 2013-2014
This annual report was prepared by the Alberta Environmental Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting Agency (AEMERA) and Environment Canada. The report presents information on the...