REPS Sediment Contaminants from Artificial Substrates

As long-lived, ubiquitous aquatic consumers of both primary producers and other invertebrates, macroinvertebrates are a useful indicator of health in aquatic systems. Benthic invertebrate monitoring of tributaries of the Athabasca River provides a seasonal benchmark for the composition of invertebrate communities over the open water season of 2012 (May, June, July, August, October) and 2013 (DATES TBC) that can be compared to other invertebrate sampling methods to compare efficacy. Invertebrates were sampled with a standard 3 minute kicknet according to CABIN standards. Sample sites are on a gradient moving closer in proximity to industry to delineate effects of natural and anthropogenic contaminants. In this data set, communities are identified to the taxonomic resolution of genus/species.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Alternate Title/Name
Creator OSM Representative Sub-basin Study (REPS)
Publisher University of Calgary
Subject Aquatic Biology
Group/Subgroup Benthic Organisms
Parameters Metals, THg/MeHg, PAH
Data Type Discrete
Frequency Open water season monthly
Temporal Coverage Begins 2012-08-01
Temporal Coverage Ends 2013-09-30
Spatial Coverage
Spatial Projection
Usage Considerations or Constraints Experimental sediment gathering method (artificial substrate). This data set involves multiple parameters and please note that not all parameters were measured in every open water month for each site. Metals (THg and MeHg included) were processed by the lab of Dr. Colin Cooke at the University of Alberta. PAH was processed by by the AXYS lab.
Relation REPS Sediment Contaminants from Artificial Substrates are gathered in sediment trap apparatus alongside REPS Invertebrate Taxonomy (Sediment Traps). REPS Sediment Contaminants from Artificial Substrates are part of a study set with REPS Surface Water Contaminants and REPS Invertebrate Contaminants
Format xlsx
Resouce Type Spreadsheet
OSM Asset? Yes
Contact Email [email protected]