Wetland Hydrometric Meteorology

Local meteorological data collected from wetlands in the oil sands region by Alberta Environment and Protected Areas for the OSM program

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Alternate Title/Name
Creator OSM
Publisher OSM
Subject Wetland
Group/Subgroup Hydrometric Meteorology
Parameters Precipitation; Temperature; Relative Humidity; Soil Moisture
Data Type Continuous
Frequency Hourly
Temporal Coverage Begins 2018-05-01
Temporal Coverage Ends
Spatial Coverage
Spatial Projection
Usage Considerations or Constraints New monitoring stations are installed in May, and readings downloaded each October. Current active stations are left out year-round and visited once annually. Missing data (NA) likely represent a sensor (or station) failure. Each monitoring year includes a 13-month period that captures the previous fall and winter (Sep to Apr), as well as the target growing season (May to Oct). Dew point is a calculated (not measured) parameter.
Resouce Type Spreadsheet
Language English
OSM Asset? Yes
Contact Email [email protected]