ABMI Soil Collection Plot Disturbance
Human and natural disturbance data within soil plots collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Soil Collection Plot Ecosite
Habitat characteristics (ecosite) at soil collection plots collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Small Fine Downed Woody Material
Count of small and fine woody material collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Coarse Downed Woody Material
Species, diameter, decay class of coarse woody material collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Canopy Cover
Canopy coverage of trees or shrubs collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Surface Substrate Disturbance
Human and natural disturbance data along the surface substrate transect collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Surface Substrate
Slope, aspect, LFH soil depth data collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Tree Core Rings
Tree core and cookie samples, tree ages, DBH, and tree height data collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Tree Core Damages
Tree damage data collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Tree Core Ages
Tree core and cookie samples, tree ages, DBH, and tree height data collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Trees Snags Stumps
Tree and snag densities and sizes (DBH, crown classes, top & base heights) collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Site Disturbance
Human and natural disturbance data collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI 2 Dimensional Cover Disturbance
Disturbance within the 2 dimensional cover plot collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Site Physical Conditions
Elevation, slope, and aspect data collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Site Tree Composition
Tree composition data collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Ground Site Cover
Low vegetation and ground cover data collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Site Ecosite Classification
Soil nutrient and moisture status, vegetation structural stage codes collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ABMI Shrub Species Cover
Percent cover of shrub species collected from monitoring terrestrial locations in the oil sands region by ABMI for the OSM program. -
ECCC Regional Landbird Point Counts
Regional-scale monitoring focuses on understanding how and why boreal songbirds, including several Species at Risk, are affected by human activity across the Peace, Athabasca... -
Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Benthic Macroinvertebrates Communities
Baseline benthic macroinvertebrate community composition and supportive physical habitat data collected by Alberta Environment and Parks as part of a focused study under the Oil...