6 datasets found

Groups: Aquatic Biology Licenses: License not specified Organizations: ECCC

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  • ECCC Tributary Benthic Invertebrates

    Tributary Biomonitoring (Lower Athabasca River) Benthic macroinvertebrates, comprising insects, crusteaceans, molluscs and worms, represent a group of organisms used widely in...
  • ECCC Riverine in-Situ Bioassays

    Fish Status and Ecosystem Health - Caged Invertebrates In situ exposures of Hyalella azteca in Athabasca River tributaries - Summary of activities (2010, 2012, 2013, 2014) In...
  • ECCC Fish Toxicology

    Oil Sands Sediment Exposures of Embryo-larval Fathead Minnows Dataset contains laboratory-studied fathead minnow egg and larval survival rates when exposed to sediments...
  • ECCC Wild Fish Communities

    Wild fish community data (species, abundance, diversity, length, weight) for 2013 and 2019 are now available for tributaries of the Athabasca River (rivers Steepbank, Ells,...
  • ECCC Wild Fish Health

    Wild fish health data (length, weight, gonad size, etc.) are now available for trout perch collected from the Athabasca and Peace Rivers; white sucker collected from the...
  • ECCC Mainstem Benthic Invertebrates

    Disclaimer: This benthic macroinvertebrate dataset has been made available after results were received from the laboratory and reviewed. All data have been validated according...
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