Wetland Vegetation Community - Photo Plot

Vegetation community data collected from wetland habitats (bogs, fens, swamps and open water) in the Oil Sands Region by Environment and Protected Areas and the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute for the OSM Program.

Data includes percent cover estimates (number of points in a 10x10 grid) for both plant form (e.g. graminoid, forb, shrub, etc) and for taxonomic ID (typically genus or species level). Transects and quadrats are analagous to those used in the Wetland Vegetation Community datasets. These are concurrent data identified from photos taken of each plot and complement the cover estimates and IDs from the field survey.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Alternate Title/Name
Creator Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA)
Contributor ABMI
Publisher AEPA
Subject Wetland
Group/Subgroup Vegetation
Parameters Percent Cover; Taxonomy
Data Type Discrete
Frequency Annual
Temporal Coverage Begins 2022-07-01
Temporal Coverage Ends
Spatial Coverage Athabasca Region
Spatial Projection
Usage Considerations or Constraints Data represent annual plant community composition surveyed mid-growing season. Photos are taken from a height of 1.3m directly above the midpoint of the quadrat (i.e. 50cm from each edge) with a camera angle of 90 degrees. Percent cover is estimated from a 10x10 grid using SamplePoint software. Only the uppermost strata of vegetation are visible in the image so this is not an exhaustive survey method.
Relation Wetland Vegetation Community
Format csv
Resouce Type Spreadsheet
Language English
OSM Asset? Yes
Contact Email [email protected]