ECCC Wild Amphibian and Wetland Health and Contaminants

Water chemistry and 26 different metals were measured at 21 wetland sites where studies of amphibian health are being monitored. Water chemistry measurements (pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, etc.) assess water quality, characterize the wetlands studied and allow for comparisons among the different types of wetlands monitored.

The data show low concentrations of metals, with many metals undetectable. Two water quality samples, one from 2011 (8.27 µg/L) and one from 2012 (6.47 µg/L) from Galoot Lake, located in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, exceeded the guideline for arsenic established for the protection of aquatic life by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME). However, samples collected from this same location in 2013 (1.29 and 0.78 µg/L) and 2014 (2.21 µg/L) were below the CCME guideline.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Alternate Title/Name
Creator ECCC
Contributor OSM
Publisher ECCC
Subject Wetland
Group/Subgroup Tissue Contaminants: Wood Frog
Parameters Tissue metal concentrations (wood frog) and basic water quality
Data Type Discrete
Temporal Coverage Begins 2011-01-01
Temporal Coverage Ends 2014-12-31
Spatial Coverage
Spatial Projection
Usage Considerations or Constraints
Format CSV
Resouce Type Spreadsheet
Language English, French
OSM Asset? Yes
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