ECCC Tributary Benthic Invertebrates
Tributary Biomonitoring (Lower Athabasca River) Benthic macroinvertebrates, comprising insects, crusteaceans, molluscs and worms, represent a group of organisms used widely in... -
ECCC Riverine in-Situ Bioassays
Fish Status and Ecosystem Health - Caged Invertebrates In situ exposures of Hyalella azteca in Athabasca River tributaries - Summary of activities (2010, 2012, 2013, 2014) In... -
ECCC Fish Toxicology
Oil Sands Sediment Exposures of Embryo-larval Fathead Minnows Dataset contains laboratory-studied fathead minnow egg and larval survival rates when exposed to sediments... -
ECCC Wild Fish Communities
Wild fish community data (species, abundance, diversity, length, weight) for 2013 and 2019 are now available for tributaries of the Athabasca River (rivers Steepbank, Ells,... -
ECCC Wild Fish Health
Wild fish health data (length, weight, gonad size, etc.) are now available for trout perch collected from the Athabasca and Peace Rivers; white sucker collected from the... -
ECCC Mainstem Benthic Invertebrates
Disclaimer: This benthic macroinvertebrate dataset has been made available after results were received from the laboratory and reviewed. All data have been validated according... -
Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Epipelic Algae, Biomass, and Chlorophyll A
Baseline epipelic algae community composition, biomass, and chlorophyll A collected by Alberta Environment and Parks as part of a focused study under the Oil Sands Monitoring... -
Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Fish Health
Baseline fish health data for small-bodied (trout-perch; Percopsis omiscomaycus) and large-bodied (white sucker; Catostomus commersonii) fish collected by Alberta Environment... -
Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Surface Water Quality (discrete)
Baseline discrete surface water quality data collected by Alberta Environment and Parks as part of a focused study under the Oil Sands Monitoring Program: Enhanced Monitoring of... -
Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Fish Communities
Baseline fish community data collect by Alberta Environment and Parks and Environment and Climate Change Canada as part of a focused study under the Oil Sands Monitoring... -
Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Fish Body and Tissue-Burdens
Baseline fish body and tissue burdens of PAHs, metals, mercury and other parameters collected by Alberta Environment and Parks as part of a focused study under the Oil Sands... -
REPS Invertebrate Taxonomy (Rock Baskets)
As long-lived, ubiquitous aquatic consumers of both primary producers and other invertebrates, macroinvertebrates are a useful indicator of health in aquatic systems. Benthic... -
Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Benthic Macroinvertebrates Communities
Baseline benthic macroinvertebrate community composition and supportive physical habitat data collected by Alberta Environment and Parks as part of a focused study under the Oil... -
Enhanced Monitoring of the LAR: Sediment Quality
Baseline sediment quality data collected by Alberta Environment and Parks as part of a focused study under the Oil Sands Monitoring Program: Enhanced Monitoring of the Lower... -
REPS Periphyton Productivity & method comparison
Monitoring periphyton indicates short term impacts on the system and provides a measure of productivity in these aquatic systems over the open water season of 2012 (May, June,... -
REPS Invertebrate Taxonomy Experiment (Respirometers)
As long-lived, ubiquitous aquatic consumers of both primary producers and other invertebrates, macroinvertebrates are a useful indicator of health in aquatic systems. The... -
REPS Invertebrate Taxonomy (Sediment Traps)
As long-lived, ubiquitous aquatic consumers of both primary producers and other invertebrates, macroinvertebrates are a useful indicator of health in aquatic systems. Benthic... -
REPS Invertebrate Contaminants
As long-lived, ubiquitous aquatic consumers of both primary producers and other invertebrates, macroinvertebrates are a useful indicator of health in aquatic systems. As... -
REPS Experimental Nutrient Limitations on Periphyton
Monitoring periphyton indicates short term impacts on the system and provides a measure of productivity in these aquatic systems over the open water season of 2012 (June, July,... -
REPS Invertebrate Taxonomy (Kicknets)
As long-lived, ubiquitous aquatic consumers of both primary producers and other invertebrates, macroinvertebrates are a useful indicator of health in aquatic systems. Benthic...